Dear parents/carers,
I hope the GCSE exam season has gone well.
Every student who makes an application to New College Bradford has an informal admissions interview to discuss their application and advise them on their subject choices, as well as the entry requirements for each subject. As part of this interview, all students were informed how their application will proceed from that point on, however, I thought it an opportune time to confirm with you the next steps in this process.
GCSE Results Day
This year, GCSE results day is on Thursday 22nd August. On that date most secondary schools are open to give out their GCSE results from 9 am to 12 pm (please check specific timings for your child’s school). Once your son or daughter has collected their results, they need to submit them to us through an online form, which can be found on our website (www.ncbradford.ac.uk/2019-results-input/). We have made a video to show you how to fill out this form, as it is vital that it is completed correctly. This video can also be found through this link. Unless we are notified in advance, any student wanting a place at New College will have to submit their results to us by 2pm on Thursday 22nd August. Please use our contact email (enquiries@ncbradford.ac.uk) if you have any queries or problems with submitting your results on the day.
Change of Subject
If your son or daughter would like to change a subject from the ones we offered them at the admissions interview, because either they did not achieve the entry requirements for it or because they have done better than expected in another subject, they can notify us of this on the form. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to make these changes, as it depends if there is space in these new subjects.
Student Application Numbers
As you may be aware, New College Bradford has had many more applications from students wanting to enrol with us in September than we have actual spaces available. Initially, the number of students we were funded for by the Department for Education (DfE) was 500, however, due to demand we have applied for funding for a further 100 places, giving a total capacity in the first year of 600.
Admissions Policy
As many of our applicants have applied to multiple post-16 providers, which we strongly advise all our applicants to do, and others will chose not to carry on with Level 3 academic studies anyway, not all the students that have made an application will be looking for a place at the college. This notwithstanding, there is a strong possibility that we will be oversubscribed in August. In preparation for this eventuality, we have an admissions policy that outlines how places will be allocated if we were to be oversubscribed. This policy was agreed by the DfE over a year ago, and can be found on our college website. Unfortunately, some students may not secure a place at the college even though they have achieved the entry requirements for the subjects they have chosen. However, we are working closely with other providers, such as Bradford College, in order to give advice and guidance to unsuccessful students to enable them to secure a post-16 place elsewhere.
Enrolment Day
Once all the results have been submitted, we will let all applicants know by email whether they have a place at New College Bradford by lunchtime on Friday 23rd August. It is very important that your email address is correct on the results submission form so that we can contact you on that day. Students who successfully secure a place at New College Bradford will then be sent a letter by post inviting them to an enrolment interview on our Enrolment Day at Bradford University on Thursday 29th August.
Yours sincerely,
Stuart Nash
Principal New College Bradford
You can access the 2019 results input page HERE