At the end of term, every student in Year 13 with an attendance over 98% was entered into the ‘Ultimate Attendance Award’. This was a prize draw to win £150 of vouchers. The winner was Amelia who was presented her award by Stuart Nash (Principal) and Naureen Aslam (Vice Principal). Emelia selected Amazon vouchers as her prize. When asked what she was going to spend the vouchers on, she replied that her mum’s birthday was just around the corner, so she would spend the vouchers on her. That’s one very lucky parent…we hope we haven’t spoiled the surprise! We are very proud of Emelia and her efforts.
‘Attendance and Punctuality’ is high profile at New College Bradford, and we are proud of the variety of ways in which we recognise the outstanding attendance and punctuality of our students. This includes:
- ‘Student Commendations’ added to student profiles
- Texts and letters home congratulating the student and thanking the parent for their support
- Tutor Group rewards of pizza parties and a trip to the local bowling alley for the best attending tutor group, and the tutor group with the most improved attendance.
Whilst these are significant rewards for outstanding attendance and punctuality, the ultimate reward is the learning and success attendance to every lesson brings, and the lifelong opportunities that come from this.
Why not find out how New College Bradford can support your child to learn, succeed and progress, by attending our final Open Evening of the academic year on Monday 7th February 2022 from 5pm to 7pm.