New College Bradford students have achieved a remarkable set of results this year, helping to ensure that the vast majority of them have progressed to the university, job or apprenticeship of their choice.
With 54% of all students achieving an A*, A or B in their A-Levels, this year’s results are the first public exam results in the college’s history. Alongside this, 65% of students taking Applied General courses such as BTECs also achieved top grades. When viewed in the context of Covid, and the obstacles students have had to overcome including distance learning, missed face-to-face contact and, for many, periods of sustained ill health, the results represent something genuinely remarkable.
New College Bradford Principal, Stuart Nash, said, “We are very pleased for all our students who have done remarkably well despite all the difficulties they have faced over the last few years. With another year of strong exam results here at New College Bradford, the majority of our students will have successfully secured their first-choice university offers, transforming their lives for the better.”
These results ensure that the significant majority of students will be able to access the university, job or apprenticeship of their choice, building on the excellent track-record New College has of ensuring that young people make concrete progress towards better life outcomes during their time at college.
“We are incredibly proud of the results achieved by New College,” said Richard Fletcher, CEO of the college’s multi-academy trust, the New Collaborative Learning Trust. “Given the special context of the past few years, we are delighted that across the whole Trust we have seen some exceptional outcomes for students this summer. These results will open the door for them to better courses, better apprenticeships and better jobs after college, helping to make a genuine impact on social mobility in our region.”