We recently asked Chris Reavley from Bee Safe Training to come into New College Bradford to work with our Public Services Students. This was organised by their teacher Haj Cheema. Chris provided some lovely feedback regarding his experience at NCB:
“I delivered a training session to Haj’s group of Public Services students, and I just wanted to say I was genuinely impressed. As soon as the students came into class they all put their mobile phones into a designated box at the front of the class, I have never seen this done before in other colleges and I must admit it is an excellent idea. The students were all dressed correctly in full uniform, looked very professional and were completely engaged with the training, asking lots of questions and answering questions throughout. I have delivered this course to several other colleges nationally and wanted to pass on my compliments of how good they were, the best course I’ve seen. Haj and his students were an absolute credit to New College Bradford and your team.”

New College Bradford want to thank Bee Safe Training for supporting our Public Services students. If you want to find out about this and the other courses we have on offer, why not come down to our Open Evening on Tuesday 15th November, 4.30pm to 7.30pm.