New College Bradford students have achieved another set of strong results this year, ensuring that the vast majority have progressed to the university course, job or apprenticeship of their choice.
Almost two-thirds of Applied General students, on courses such as BTECS, achieved a distinction or distinction* (63.2%), whilst close to half of all A-level students (47.3%) achieved an A*, A or B. In both A-Level and Applied General courses, pass rates were incredibly strong with 99.4% of A-level students and 99.2% of Applied General students passing their courses.
“We are incredibly proud of the progress our students have made,” said Stuart Nash, principal of New College Bradford. “Given the context of Covid and the real difficulties many of these young people have faced, the results are a real achievement. All of the college’s staff, be they teaching, pastoral or support staff, have worked incredibly hard to ensure that our young people are able to progress on to the university course or career pathway of their choice. These results will help to continue to the significant impact we have made in helping improve social outcomes and inequalities across the Bradford region.”
These outcomes build on the excellent track-record New College has already established of helping large numbers of its students progress to university. In 2022, this figure was 83%, marking it out as one of the best sixth form colleges for HE progression in the country.
“Once again, we are able to take immense pride in New College’s achievements,” said Richard Fletcher, CEO of the New Collaborative Learning Trust which oversees the college. ” New College Bradford has an exceptional record of helping young people access HE courses. Today’s results really matter, because each number reflects one more young person who will be able to access a better university course, better apprenticeship or better job as a result of their time with us. Helping our young people achieve better life outcomes is our central vision, binding together everything we do across all of our colleges and schools.”