Year 10 Taster Days are aimed at any students wishing to consider New College as a post-16 option.
Taster Days will take place over three days in July 2021. You can find out more by taking a look at our Taster Day presentation below that is available as a PowerPoint Presentation or a PDF:
At a Taster Day, unless you attend a school very close to the College e.g. Carleton Community High School or The Kings School a coach will collect you from your school and bring you directly to college.
You will have already have selected the four subject areas and a careers choice you want to experience in advance of attending the Taster Day. On the day you will be welcomed by existing students, staff and receive a short welcome talk by Vice Principal, Neil Mumby. You will then go directly to your first taster session and then carry on to the rest of your chosen subjects.
Hopefully, this experience will give you an idea of which subjects you would like to pursue in the future or indeed help you to decide whether New College and A-Levels/Level 3 Applied Generals are right for you.
We would welcome any feedback from your ‘taster day’ experience.
Please note: If your school does not participate in the Taster Day Programme and you would like to take part in it please contact Neil Mumby on 01977 702139 or via
What Our
“The support staff helped in every Step. I couldn’t thank them enough.”
Jack Hughes, Crofton Academy